To help you running your business on the Internet we offer the Internet Test Room system (ITR) as an additional (free) service. With the ITR you can invite candidates by e-mail and take tests on-line.
Test manuals included
With the ITR the test manuals for our tests are included in a special Internet edition. This Internet edition is the same as the full version, but excludes norm tables and scoring directions. You will not need them when you use the ITS, because this is what the system will do for you. The test manuals are supplied to you under a special license. This license gives you the right to print the manual for your own personal use and use the manual while you have an active subscription on the ITR system.
Paper materials included
All traditional paper materials for the EPPS are available in the ITR system in PDF format for self printing. You no longer need to order and wait for materials, instead you can print the materials in a candidate friendly format. Results need to be processed in the ITR system.
Costs per test
When you take a test on the ITR you have to pay for this test taking in the form of credit units. You have to purchase these credit units in advance. One (1) credit unit is worth €0,10/$0,10/£0,10. If you buy credit units in larger amounts you can get a discount. On orders below €100/$100/£100 we charge an administrative fee of €25/$25/£25. Every test in the ITR may cost a different amount of credit units. You can view the costs of your test in the ITR when adding them to your session.
Usage conditions for the ITR
In addition to the usage conditions of our website the ITR has additional usage conditions. This is a legal agreement between you and us when you use the ITR system.
The conditions can be found here